Nice ending; plenty to improve on style-wise but a good flash and message nonetheless. Keep up the good work.
Nice ending; plenty to improve on style-wise but a good flash and message nonetheless. Keep up the good work.
Thanks man I will! It was an older animation from 2015 I finally managed to finish off. Would love to see someone else's take on the script if they are interested. I think it would make a good short film :)
So happy to see you uploading your amazing works here on NG! :)
And this is from the way back when of '03?
Very nice work, this even manages to compete with the majority of flash that are here today. So for the flash being so old it's surprising on how much it rivals with some of the other flash today. That's some really nice work being able to stand the test of time like that. Very nice that you managed to get the Classics of the Day randomization pick. Although it is sad that it's obvious you haven't actually continued the series or got a site up for it yet. A bit sad there, because I would like to see you continue, I'm sure you'd do just fine, even with today's new standards. If this was submitted today I probably would have docked the graphics and overall both down to 8s to be honest, but due to this being a classic '03 submission I kicked them both up a notch for you. The drawing are very nice and well animated, so nice work there. It was creative and a fun little intro to watch, even if there is nothing to be introduced (considering you've been a naughty little slacker). I did really enjoy that choice you had in music though, so that was definately a major plus for this flash. Also liked how you were caring enough to add subtitles when most flash authors neglect that aspect. So overall, very nice work, which I wish you would make more of. :'(
Thanks! I need to keep in perspective the fact that I was just learning to mouse-draw, let alone use Flash, in 2003. I've done a lot of drawing since that I'm quite proud of.
As for a website, check out this one which is not yet finished:
And yeah, I am a slacker. ;^^
A nice little parody. ^_^
I thought it was pretty funny, someone finally did some justice for that song, usually it's abused and not as funny. But I'm sure me being a Naruto fan myself makes it seem pretty funny I presume. Onto a little analysis. Your drawings are for the most part very good. The animation is somewhat choppy at points and could have used some more smoothing out. It wasn't original in the sense it was a Naruto flash or that it was using that song, but it was original due to the combination of the two seemingly unrelated items. I thought that was rather creative and clever of you. The song was compressed which shows you know what you're doing so good job there, you'd be surprised how many people don't do that. It was really funny. Your choices to use were pretty nice selections as well. You did a good job of addressing a lot of Naruto's inside jokes when it comes to the male characters. Very nice work. Bookmarked to my favourites. Some suggestions for the future: Make the animation a little more smooth, shoot for some more crisp drawings (sometimes they looks a bit out-of-phase), and maybe add a scroll bar at the bottom of your flash for quick jumping. I also suggest making a profile for your account and submitting more work. I hope to see some more of your flash in the near and distant futures. :)
Thank you, Kiba-san! I don't know how to respond actually, but I agree with what you've said. I know the animation could be better... So, I'll try to keep that in mind when I decide to improve this or when I make another flash video! ^_^
Another awesome flash by the Gagaman. ^_^
I really happy to see you submitting more of your work here. I really like your sense of creativity and style. It was very random and unique. I don't think I expected any of that coming, but I sure enjoyed watching it all. I thought the artwork and graphics were smooth and well animated. I also thought your choice of music for this particular flash was superb. I also liked the colours. It was violent and funny and I just loved it all. Thanks for making another great flash. I hope to see more work of your's in the future.
Thanks =D
Why that was just fantoadstic!
Wow, a very nice flash, had me laughing most of the way through. It was very funny, you managed to sneak frog humour into it left and right. I didn't think it'd go on as long as it did. You certainly spent enough time planning it out I can tell. It was also pretty original, I've never seen any other flash that take this kind of stand. I like creativity, it's better than the repeated humour you see in other flashes. The sound was very good as well. The voice was clear and the sounds fit in well. The only real problems I saw were some technical ones. One error was that the voice didn't always sync perfectly with the lips and the frog's mouth would still move whilst he talked. Another problem was that it got fuzzy on numerous occasions, which spoiled your very good artwork. Those are probably the only errors I noted, other than that it was perfect. Great job and nice effort, I can't wait to see what some of your future flash are like.
Thanks for the kind words. I was very disappointed with the sound sync when I saw it on the NG site. I take a lot of pride in getting very precise lip sync. The file plays perfectly on my system at home. I wonder why it plays so poorly here?
Pretty nice work for just 6 hours.
Although I think you could have spent more time on it. First off let me say that I found it to be pretty original, you don't see many other flash with zoloft parodies. And that's a good thing, finding something new to make a flash about shows you have some creativity. But it could still stand for some improvement, preferably in the graphics department. You could probably use some more work in backround design, that would be nice. Also your animation did get a little off sometimes, always make sure it's nice and smooth. An example is that every now and then that butterfly wouldn't move in a constant path and would jump off a little bit. Also, on one of the cops when the character walked by after shooting him the blood just disappeared. The music was soft and eerie, a very good choice for the mood, it really enhanced the flash. You could have done some more with sound effects though. Also, something I always like to get on for people. Just because it's a flash doesn't mean you have to limit interactivity to a mere play and replay button. A quality toggle, and pause feature are always a nice thing to have. It was somewhat funny, but a bit too serious looking. Overall I think it was pretty good and I hope to see more works from you in the future, never give up.
I am allways pressed for time when I make my toons. My computer is at my grandmothers house so I can only work on flash on the week ends. She lives 20 miles away from me. Thanks for the review.
Sorry about my delay for watching Part 2.
You probably don't remember me from my review from Part 1, but I sure remembered you from your flash. First let me say I'm sorry for such a late review, I completely overlooked this flash, which was really fun and enjoyable I might add. I'm not even that big of a clock fan, but your little sleepover flash really gave me respect for you, I can tell you worked very hard on this flash and put a lot of effort into it. Your animation was very smooth, I didn't see very many errors at all throughout the flash, and the artwork was done nicely as well. It was very original and I enjoyed seeing this second installment. A great endind too. Also, your sound was top notch. The music was very good and the voices & sound effects were also very nice. There was plenty of clock fighting and I found it pretty neat, you did a good job with that. As for interactivity you did a great job on that by having many options for the viewer as the flash was playing. I liked that, you didn't just offer a simple play and replay button. And as for humour, I must say you sure gave me plenty of laughs throughout the flash in both parts. Overall you did a great job and managed to get perfect 10s all across the board, and that isn't easy, but you managed to do that. I can't wait to go check out some of your other works, and don't forget to keep the new flash coming in. I can gaurentee you I'll watch them. And happy holidays.
Happy holidays. Thanks for the awesome review. I'm glad you liked it :) I'll keep working hard on my cartoons.
A very good quicky, I enjoyed it.
It was actually very good despite some of the minor errors I noticed. It's pretty nice, but there are many things you can still improve upon. Your artwork is pretty good, but it didn't stay consistant. At different points during the flash it was choppier than at others and that really took away from the flash, you should always go for high detail at all points in a flash. But the concept was very original and I got a few laughs out of it, so I find that to be the strengths of your flash. Another thing I noticed was the very bad sound quality that was used in your flash. Near the beginning I couldn't hear anything and near the end I could faintly here some backround music, you should really make it more audible, that would help your score. Overall I did find the flash pretty funny and hope to see some more works from you in the future, keep up the good work and the hard effort and it'll pay off.
Finally a good review, sheesh. Also there was no sound for the start and there was no sound for the guy falling in. I didn't have internet connection when I finished it so I had to wait a week or two for it to be up again. When I finally got it back up I just decided screw it and didn't get any sound effects off the internet. That is the sound effects deal. But sheesh this is my first flash why do you all have to be so dang agressive man?
Age 37
Joined on 11/8/02